

hi to gerry

[and lolo to bruce and dennis and bill]

At 07:54 1998/12/03 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/3/98 12:36:57 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>[log in to unmask] writes:
><< I'll take Playboy, Automobile, and Modern Plumbing. >>
>I understand Automobile and Modern Plumbing,
>but I don't understand Playboy,
>is that a new magazine? <<<
>Separate to Bill H.  Aren't you proud of me, I finally mastered sending some
>of the previous post to mine.


i have put together
some 'newbie-notes' instructions
on how to use windows' copy and paste capability
which i cannot live without
and cannot understand how anyone else copes without

i'd be glad to send them to you [and anyone else]
if you are interested

your cyber-sis, a former aolian


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
[log in to unmask]