


May I suggest that new subscriptions to the list are defaulted to
receiving the digest versus individual E-mails. This may be a kinder
introduction to the list than being inundated with a barrage of E-mail
and may encourage people to remain a member.

Also, we should all think before we blindly copy the entire text of a
post to which we are responding. Not everyone has a fast modem or
responsive ISP and verbose E-mails can sometimes take minutes to
download. The TV-list is a great idea, but will wear thin if posted
multiple times a day. The more members we have, the greater benefit we
will reap from our collective experiences. We need to make sure we leave
adequate room for our cyber-shakes.

Just a few points to possibly help us continue to grow in membership and
retain current members.

Phil Gesotti AN 49/ AD 46 /