

Hi Coleen-- tiredness/exhauistion is common with PWPs.  Although Bob has
only been diagnosed for 3 years, the PD was surelky coming on earlier.  I
think what is usually meant by "off"  is more than sleepiness, though.  I
would say it refers to lack of mobility ---the meds just aren't working.
There's lots of ingo in the list archives on this, BTW.
As for freezing it can happen anywhere, but is often associated with a
tight spot, like a doorway, where one's feet are "stuck to the floor".  You
will find  much about this or any subject in the archives, where everything
is stored from the list.   Here's the address:

the pd list archives web-site
[which is maintained by simon coles]
[and which is part of the pwp web-ring maintained by jerry finch]
is at:

Raising the couch sounds like a great idea!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 80/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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                        "Ask me about the CARE list for
                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "