

hi barb

At 16:02 1998/12/04 -0500, you wrote:
>Wow, Janet!!  that has to be the BEST description
>of this list that I've ever seen!!
>whether there are 30 messages in one day or in one hour
>whether they are all about pd or not
>whether they are all about snake oil or not
>they reflect the living breathing organism
>which is this cyber-family
>we are not a corporation bound by company rulebooks and standards
>we are not a school bound by a curriculum and exams
>we are part of a new frontier of democracy
>where each one of us has
>the same opportunity to be heard as everyone else
>the same right to speak as everyone else
>i find it awe-inspiring just as it is

wow back, barb!

since you are responsible for breathing life into this organism and
since you are therefore our 'list-mom' and
since this forum has been integral
to my finding 'my voice'
in the written word,
i think i'd best toss some of the kudos
right back at you!

i've been writing gooshy descriptions of this list
for three years and finally one of them hits a home run!

speaking of which
i just got off the phone from the parkinson's society of ottawa-carlton
because they are arranging for me to be interviewed
for an article in the ottawa citizen daily
in re
guess what
mjf and young onset pd
[as well as the tasmar flap]

as i said before

i guess i'd better go read that article!

cyber-sibs together


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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