

Thaks Anne this is great, exactly what we should do. C'mon every body
let's do this!!! I've forwarded it to the list.

At 01:01 AM 12/5/98 -0330, you wrote:
>An interesting bit of mail
>canlob is usually moribund
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 13:16:58 -0700 (MST)
>From: Manuel Hulliger <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: URGENT New lobby campaign: CIHR
>TOPIC:                 Can launches new lobby campaign:  CIHR
>DATE:          Nov 30, 1998
>FROM:          Andrew Bulloch, President, CAN
>REPLY TO:      [log in to unmask]
>Dear Canadian Neuroscientists
>On behalf of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience I would like to
>enlist your help in a lobby campaign in support of increased funding for
>biomedical, clinical and health neuroscience research through the
>funding of a Canadian Institute for Health in Neuroscience, CIHR.
>In joining this campaign you will be assisting a broad effort underway
>by organisations such as CBHR (Executive Director: Dr Clement Gauthier)
>which have initiated a letter-fax campaign regarding the CIHR proposal.
>Letters (without postage) and faxes should be sent ASAP to the House of
>Commons, Ottawa, ON,  K1A OA6 for:
>  The Rgt Hon. Jean Chretien, Prime Minister
>       (Fax: 613-941-6900)
>  The Hon. Paul Martin, Minister of Finance
>       (Fax: 613-995-5176)
>  The Hon. Allan Rock, Minister of Health
>       ( Fax:613-952-1154)
>  The Hon. John Manley, Minister of Industry
>       ( Fax:613-992-0302)
>  The Hon. Ronald Duhamel, Secretary of State for Science
>       (Fax 613-990-4056)
>  Your local MP.
>If you would rather use email the email addresses for ministers can be
>found at This very helfull site turns your
>email into a fax that goes directly to the minister!
>I have provided a form letter below...amend this and/or replace it as
>you see fit.
>If possible please send me an email stating how many letters you have
>With thanks for your help in this very important venture!
>Andy Bulloch
>Canadian Association for Neuroscience
>[log in to unmask]
>Dear Minister X
>On behalf of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience I would like to
>lend my support for the creation of the Canadian Institutes for Health
>in Neuroscience. This support is based on the following considerations:
>1. The Canadian neuroscience community has a worldwide reputation for
>2. Infrastructure is provided by the Canadian Association for
>Neuroscience (CAN) and the Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences
>(CCNS). Recently these and a number of non-government voluntary health
>organisations and private sector groups with neuroscience core business
>capacity were embraced in a CCNS Partners Program initiative. This
>partnership provides a united voice for neuroscience in Canada.
>3. The burden of neurological diseases in Canada is staggering. At a
>cost of at least $30 billion annually disorders of the nervous system
>result in more hospitalisations than any other disorder including cancer
>and heart disease.
>4.Our primary weapon to defeat neurological disorders is knowledge
>derived from basic research.
>5. Whereas basic research is the foundation of progress in the biomedical
>sciences, the translation of new knowledge  along the pathway from the
>laboratory to the population at large requires creation of opportunities
>in areas such as technology transfer, clinical trials and population
>health studies .Another focus will be evidence based health services
>delivery to ensure that resources for neurological services, education
>and research remain prioritized and optimal. The Neuroscience Institute
>should therefore be an inclusive and integrated organisation that provides
>significant new funding at all these levels.
>6. Although its primary goal is in the acquistion of new knowledge and
>treatments for neurological disorders, the Neuroscience Institutes (in
>common with other institutes) will stimulate economic development (jobs
>and wealth) and reverse the exodus of talented neuroscientists from Canada.
>7. Through the CIHR initiative the federal goverment has the opportunity
>to implement bold new changes to build an internationally competitive
>biomedical, clinical and health research capacity. Despite much appreciated
>additional funding for research in the 1998 federal budget Canada is still
>losing ground to our international competitors, especially those in the USA.
>For the considerations listed above I urge you support the CIHR concept and
>to prioritise Neuroscience in its initial stages. Realistically an allocation
>of at least $150 million is required in the 1999 federal budget and this
>should increase to $500 milion as soon as possible.
>Yours sincerely
>etc etc