

Camilla asked me to share this winning poem with the PWPs members of the
list I hope you like it it was awarded the title of Poem Of The Month.
Bernard of Austria God Bless you all.


I looked in the mirror and what did I see.
I saw a man that looked like me.
He looked like me this I know,
For he himself told me so.
I said, "Hello," "Hello," said, he.
Be I you or be you me.
If I be you and you be me,
Whose face is that a looking at me.
I shaved myself and what do you know,
 He did the same the so and so.
This trick of his is getting me down,
I'm beginning to think that he's a clown.
One more look just to see,
Is that him or is that me.
If that's him I know what to do.
I'll hit the mirror with a shoe.
If it breaks, It's just as well.
For that face of his is giving me HELL
                                       Bernard Shaw.

For more of my Poems see Jerry Finch's and Paul Motes PWP sites. Keep
smiling. Bern from Austria.