

Bonnie Rowley wrote:

> I have a question about exercise. Long before my dad was dx with PD, he was
> using a treadmill in his home. A lot of my folks friends were amazed at how
> far dad walked on it. It was/is one of the "top of the line" models. For about
> 5 years, I owned an identical treadmill & dad was able to go farther & faster
> than I was.
> Now, thru the progression of PD, dad is having difficulty with the use of a
> treadmill but he is still wanting to maintain exercise. He is thinking of
> getting an exer-cycle. I am wondering if any of you would comment on such
> equipment.

we have a Schwinn Airdyne which is excellent. however, it is not easy to remain
faithful in using it. Nancy does 6 miles 5 or 6 mornings a week. I do not  like
TV enough to watch for the twenty minutes it takes her to warm up, ride five
miles, then cool down. I seldom ride at all. I do walk some every day. I consider
walking better than using the airdyne. the weather is not always friendly to
walk.  does the walker not adjust to slower pace such that he can use it?

or does he have other problem(s) in trying to use it? Nancy fights the boredom
via watching TV. does dad use that incentive. would a companion or gym use help?

definitely encourage continuing walking and exercising - although it will go
Ron Vetter 1936, '84 PD dz
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