

OK, Darwin, you asked for it.........

A blonde phoned police to report that thieves had been in her car.  "They've
stolen the dashboard, the steering wheel, the brake pedal, even the
accelerator," she cried out.  However, before the police investigation could
start, the phone rang a second time and the same voice came over the line.
"Never mind, I got in the back seat by mistake."


   An airline captain was breaking in a very pretty new blonde
  stewardess; the route they were flying had a stay-over in another
  Upon their arrival the captain showed the stewardess the best place
  for airline personnel to eat, shop and stay overnight. The next
  morning as the pilot was preparing the crew for the day's route, he
  noticed the new stewardess was missing.
  He knew which room she was in at the hotel and called her up
  wondering what happened to her. She answered the phone, crying,
  and said she couldn't get out of her room. "You can't get out of your
  room?" the captain asked, "Why not?" The stewardess replied: "There
  are only three doors in here," she sobbed, "one is the bathroom, one
  is the closet, and one has a sign on it that says "Do Not Disturb'!


  A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead all tried out for the same job as
  road stripers. The boss told them they would all work for three days
  and whoever painted the most would get the job.
  At the end of the first day, the redhead had painted 3 miles, the
  brunette had painted 2.5 miles, and the blond had painted 10 miles .
  The boss was so excited he told the blonde to keep it up and the job
  was hers.
  The next day the red head painted 5 miles, the brunette 5.6 miles,
  the blonde 4 miles. He told the blonde not to worry you still have a
  good lead.
  So, on the third day the redhead had painted 6 miles, the brunette 5
  miles, and the blonde only one mile. The boss was so disappointed,
  he asked the blonde, "What went wrong, you were doing so good?" She
  said, "Well, that bucket of paint keeps getting further and further
   A blonde woman walks into a store.  Curious about a shiny object,
 she   asks, "What is that?"

   The store clerk responds, "It's a thermos."
     The blonde then asks, "What does it do?"
     The clerk says "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold."
So she   buys one.

   The next day, she brings it to work with her.  Her boss, also a
 blonde,   asks, "What is that shiny object?"

   She replies "It's a thermos."
     He asks, "What does it do?"
     She says, "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold."
     He then asks, "What do you have in there?"

   "Two cups of coffee and a popsicle."


     That Girl was so Blonde :

     She sent me a Fax with a stamp on it

     She thought a quarterback was a refund

     She tried to put M & M's in alphabetical order

     She tripped over a cordless phone

     She put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make
         up her mind

     She told me to meet her at the corner of " Walk and Don't walk "

     They had to burn the school-house down to get her out of third

     She took a ruler to bed with her to see how long she slept

     At the bottom of the application where it says " sign here " she
         put Sagittarius

     When she heard that 90 % of all crimes occur around the home-
she moved

     When she took me to the airport and saw the sign that said
          " Airport Left " she turned around and went home

     Hear about the Blonde that bought an A M Radio ? It took her a
       month to realize she could play it at night

     Why do Blondes like lightning ? They think someone is taking
              their picture .

     Why did the Blonde scale the chain-link fence ? To see what
          was on the other side

     How do you get a Blonde to laugh at a joke on Saturday ?
          Tell her the joke on Wednesday


Ben McKeen

That's all folks