

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 [log in to unmask] wrote:

> had been told by a couple of people).....or the ones who tell me if I exercise
> more I could walk around the block!!!!!!!!  (Somedays I do have the urge to
> jab my cane down their collective throats!!!!!!)
> My respect for the understanding of some of the allied medical professionals
> comes from my asking a physical therapist about support groups for PD soon
> after I was diagnosed..........her response was "you don't need one......doubt
> if there would be any for the early stages.......and the later stages, people
> would be so slow getting there that they could never meet".  Wouldn't have

That one deserves a dose of the cane too, IMHO...

/John (29/ 28(?)/ 18)