

Last night, on cable TV, I watched pert of the hearings on this subject in
front of the appropriations committee.  The argument seemed to be whether NIH
could receive funds for this research given the in-place ban on fetal
research.  Many experts argued that stem cell research is critical to many
disease including Parkinson's and that although there is private research
being done, unless government funding can be made available, only diseases
that are more easily helped will benefit.  Private companies are not likely to
do the extensive research necessary to make this technology helpful to the
more difficult illnesses.  They testified that they are within one year of
using it for something related to heart disease and that they should have the
ability to treat Parkinson's between four and twelve years.  I watched this as
I was falling asleep and consequently didn't see the end.  I also may be very
inaccurate in my reporting.  But I do know that there was a lot of talk about
Parkinson's as well as several other diseases that can benefit if NIH is given
funds for this research.
Barbara Smith, cg/Ken/70/17+