

hi all, and hi again cyber-dad-don!

here is my 'neatened' version of my adopted cyber-dad's story
explaining why he didn't stay in the hospital yesterday;
i didn't want anyone to miss this one!
go cybrrrr-dad!

much love


[aka janet]

Date: Thu, 3 Dec 1998 08:21:08 -0500
From: don mckinley <[log in to unmask]>

well, i went. there were some disagreements, but just minor ones. it was 5 years ago to the day that i was there the last time. i've got to tell you some of the things the doctor and nurse told me.

the nurse said she won the pool they had on me -  if i would live and how long i would be there. [i was there for 5-1/2 months, most of it in the intensive care unit.] now the surgeon who cut me open 3 times tells me that during the first surgery, he had to drop his pants and get a shot, since he was sick. boy, did that make me feel good! lolo! they took picture of him getting the shot.

so, getting back to my problems. i've got a lot of stuff in my belly left from the operations that should come out. not life-threatening things. those that have had major surgery know what i mean. that is the cause of some of my pain. now to the funny part.
at the time i went into a seizure, i think i've told you all how i fell off my tractor, well both times i fell on a rock. i had been also been doing lots of leaf work and using my arms and turning my body. after examining me, the folks at the hospital called somebody and wanted to ask VIVIAN if she or someone else had been abusing me! i guess it's the law; they had to ask, because of the bruises i had. a lot of nurse came through and said that from the way vivian looked after me there and at home, they knew i was never abused.

but i got mad. so you can see how little things get out of hand. i told them i could live with the pain; so no hospital for me. just like a tooth ache, i'll live with it. like i can live with PD and be happy.

i think the falls are the cause of most of my pains; with rest it will leave, if i can ever sit still long enough. i'm putting in 2 sump pumps now; running the wire, the pipe, and so on. so that is about all the news.

i am going to stick with the two numbers - 74/30 - that is my age, and how many years since my PD diagnosis. i would like to know how i stand on the number of years of having PD compared to others. how many of you have had it longer. i just would like to know. i know that camilla's husband peter is older than i am

                                     SO CYBER-FAMILY,  C. U.

                                     [log in to unmask]

                                     I.Y.Q.  DON  AND  VIVIAN
                                     LOVE OF MY LIFE FOR 52 YEARS

                                     BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
                                     BE HAPPY, FOR LIFE COULD BE WORSE