

I'm sure Michael J. Fox has his good days and his bad ones, just like the
rest of us, and he may have been putting on a bit of a positive spin on his
situation, due to his public image, etc., but I tend to applaud and agree
with his general view of his illness and how he's dealing with it.  He
sounds pretty realistic, but yet still hopeful, and I believe that to be
key.  I haven't personally set any specific age at which I expect to be
healed, but I know it's coming, whether science helps me achieve, or I
manage to do it by brute mental power and a touch of grace.  As I've said
many times, I will never accept the negative espoused outcome for pd.  I
simply refuse, period.  Not that it won't change, and perhaps worsen, but
I'll never agree with the "relentlessly progressive" diagnosis which I've
heard many times.  I know one thing for sure, if I accept that outcome as my
own, then it will definitely come true, no doubt about  it.  If I refuse to
accept it, then I at least have half a chance of beating it eventually,
especially if I can keep my health up otherwise in the meantime.

I also like his view that PD has brought him many blessings, and that he
wouldn't trade his situation, nor does he consider himself a victim.  One
can only be a victim,  if one permits it to happen.  I may end up disabled
at some point, but I'm no victim.  This physical body is only a small part
of who I really am, it doesn't define me completely.  I believe that part of
each of us  that really matters is eternal anyway.

So, before I go, I thought I'd share this poem I recently wrote, which is
based on an idea my Dad had to explain reality, and the nature of the

Wendy Tebay


Picture this
A stick figure
On a piece of paper
With a box drawn around him
A two-dimensional Being
Bound by four walls

Now picture yourself
A Being existing
In four dimensions
Capable of walking
Without difficulty
Right over these walls

Because you exist
At a 'higher' level
These flat boundaries
Are simply illusion
While to the stick figure
They bind his universe

Picture this
You as a Being
Existing in four dimensions
Your known universe
Seemingly bound
By both space & time

Now picture this
Yet another Being
Perhaps God Himself
Who exists at an
Even 'higher' level
Than yourself

This Being who exists
In the Nth dimension
Is free to wander
Across and over
All of the boundaries
Which you can perceive

Now imagine this
What if you too
Were in actuality
A Being also existing
In N dimensions
Rather than in four only?

Would that perhaps
Change forever
Your former concepts
Of your perceived reality
And your definition
Of what is possible?

Well, imagine no more
For as you were made
In God's image
If you will believe
And see with God's eyes
So shall you be also

An infinite, unbounded
And eternal Being
Walking alongside God
Over walls and borders
Defying and challenging
The very nature of reality

Free then to create
A world without limits
Where miracles are now
Totally commonplace
And the commonplace
Has become magical

This knowledge you've gained
Is not yours alone
Rather it is to be shared
With those still bound
By self-imposed limits
Unaware of their true nature

*copyright  Wendy Tebay

Perhaps we are, in physical form, 4-D projections of N-dimensional beings,
who are truly infinite and eternal.  After all, aren't we made in God's
image?  In my view then, if God probably doesn't have PD, then I don't think
that I'm meant to either, and the more I realize my true nature (i.e.,
god-like), the more the PD will disappear, as it will become irrelevant and
the lessons it has to teach will no longer be needed.   It's worth
imagining, at least.