

At 08:04 PM 12/4/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Who's to say that what we experience in waking life is any more or less real
>than that which we encounter in our dreams?  No offense intended here to
>Ruth or anyone else, but I'd rather be counted amongst the dreamers myself,
>if the fact that I believe in a pd cure to be imminent makes me one.  I know
>very well, from experience, that belief in a negative outcome too often
>becomes reality, so I'd rather believe in a positive one, since I have the
>Carlos Casteneda has a book called, "The Art of Dreaming," in which he
>describes what are essentially adventures and lessons he's had while trying
>to use his dreams to consciously visit other worlds in a sense.  According
>to him, these states of consciousness are very real, and have great power,
>power which can spill over into "real" life, so we need to use a bt of
>caution when exploring these other worlds/states.   Deepak Chopra talks
>about how both waking reality and dreams, as far as the brain itself is
>concerned, have the same reality.  Perception, memories, thoughts, are to an
>extent, describable by chemicals and electrical signals in the brain, and
>between the brain and the rest of the body.  If ya take it to that basic
>level, there is little difference between sleep and awake, other than the
>magnitude of the activity.
>I had a psychic tell me once that I did astral projection sometimes in my
>dreams.  Frankly, I couldn't say for sure either way, but I have had some
>doozy dreams, which seemed at the time to be VERY real.  That's a bit scary
>too tho', cuz I've heard of yogis nd other mystics who've done that from a
>state of meditation, and never came back!  Whew!
>Anyway, I'll keep dreaming of a cure, until it manifests to where all have
>access to it.  Can't hurt I figure.
>Wendy Tebay
Hi Wendy : I always feel like Castenada's Don Quixote, tilting at windmills,
grandoise expectations tend to be rudely dashed. I had three inmportant meetings
this past week  and they all went poorly.
If you astral travel, drop in and see me, I could sure use somr of your
BTW astral travel is a proven fact.
Bill Harrington   42  29  27>