

At 23:36 1998/12/04 -0800, you wrote:
>We live in New York State and just finished watching the show. We had
>high hopes, but were disappointed. Michael sugar coated the disease and
>Barbara Walters catered to him. His wife stated she was not devastated
>when he told her the diagnosis. Only in Hollywood! As for a cure in the
>next 13 years, how many of his millions is Michael willing to bet on it.
>Donna and John (50/3) Testa

hi john and donna

i have to say that my impression was almost 180 degrees from yours
i felt like i was hearing michael say my own words and thoughts
in fact it was like deja vu all over again

negative thinking can become all pervasive
like a drop of ink staining a full glass of water
i know it well
been there
done that

your cyber-sibling


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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