

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   56   deg. F   :-)gorgeous warm

Good morning!

In three weeks, I'll have five nights per week with no coverage
again.These nights have been covered by two students who are moving away
or have new  class schedules  as of January 1st.

   Maine's  Medicaid pays $9.00/night.  This is  dangerous to my survival
at home.  But I have completed paying off my mortgage. My home is not
only paid off; it is Parkinson's- adapted, a model for other Parkinson's
houses. Grip rails, secured ropes, wheelchair-width doorways, seated
shower, floor surfaces , counter heights, electric outlet heights, door
handles not knobs, heating devices, and of course a personal computer

. I wanted to know if anyone could suggest anything about federal
emergency or disaster relief programs-sort of like huricane relief, to
provide a caregiver with a salary.

 When Bruce Anderson  posted us  FEMA bulletins,when Lisa Crumrine on the
Virigin Islands was in danger due to Hurricane Georges, I realized that
he may be our wisest advisor in this area. I have sent a copy of this
post to him, but do not expect him to have  any specific solutions..
I''ve made three calls to U.S. Senator Snowe. My state Representative is
coming to talk to me Sunday morning December 6 at 11 AM at my house.

I am afraid of being institutionalized at the end of this month.
Thanksgiving Day was very hard. I ended up needing an ambulance crew to
lift me and move me in front of a woodstove when I got stuck on a couch
in a cool room, dozed off, woke up beyond end-of-dose and couldn't get
I could not find homecare on Thanksgiving Day after 10 AM.

Because I called for help, the "system" now knows I can't endure alone
here. I need a plan that pays a care provider a living wage, a decent
salary, and not a criminally-low amount, in order for me to stay here.
That's why I thought of  "disaster relief " funds.

The alternative is a nursing home..

What would you do if you were in my situation?

[log in to unmask]  (207) 797-8488.   Please e-mail to me off-list, or call