

His wife stated she was not devastated
>when he told her the diagnosis. Only in Hollywood! .
>Donna and John (50/3) Testa

I was not devastated by husband's diagnosis at age 40.  I was afraid he had
M.S. - or worse.   I could deal easily with PD - but knew the consequences
of a brain tumor (benign or no).

My YOPD husband has continued to work (he's now 59).  Yes, the disease can
be limiting, and sometimes severely so.  But yesterday, as we drove home
from a Christmas party, I shared with him that not more than 5 years ago
Jamie would not have attended the party.  Newer drugs continue to bring
success in the treatment and management of PD.  As a nurse I'm well aware of
the array of neurological diseases - although I would prefer that Jamie be
well, PD is the most manageable of all of them.
Mary Ann Ryan (CG Jamie 59/19)