

Aww, Marjorie... my heart's with you right  now 'cause over the years
I've lost beloved pets, too... pets who are as much a part of my
family as my 2 daughters, and loved as much, too, in that special way
reserved just fhem little critters.

To lose a dear l'il friend when it's expected, whether to old age or
illness is somehow easier to bear, but to suffer the pain of
unexpected  loss hurts so much and in a different way.

The first leaves a kinda bittersweet, somehow natural, "acceptable"
pain.    But the other.... the other leaves us with a feeling of
non-closure.   We didn't get to say our "Good-byes" or get in that
last tearful hug.   We didn't get the chance to tell our little buddy
how much they were loved.

A warm and very empathic hug to you, m'dear.

With Love.....

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Marjorie L. Moorefield <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, December 06, 1998 8:52 AM
Subject: I'm hurting!!

>I took my two doxies to get their teeth cleaned on Wednesday
>and one didn't make it.
>I know they are just dogs, but they are my friends, I hurt and
>all the platitudes aren't helping.
>I have lost dogs before, but I at least had a choice in their time
>of death, this time, all I can remember is how FMWD (Fritzy Mayer
>Weiner Dog) went prancing of with the attendant, and how I had to
>take an empty leash home.
>Does anyone else find it harder to face things,
>or am I just becoming too soft for my own good ,in my dotage?
>As Ever,
>Marjorie Moorefield
>just another librarian with PD