

Hi, Bernard,

Please send me info on the workshop.  I may try to send our physical
therapist.  We have terrific gait and balance classes here that she teaches
in addition to offering individual sessions.

Carole Cassidy

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard Barber,Ph.D. [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, December 07, 1998 2:56 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject: Exercise

I and the Arizona Chapter of NPF have been developing an exercise workshop
to be held in March of 99. We have looked at many different pieces of
equipment and spoken to many PWP, at varying stages of movement and
mobility. There is no one size fits all in any area of management of PD.
Having said that, there are certain areas of concern that can be

Most important is to discuss an exercise program with your doctor first,
ask for a referral to a good Physical Therapist that will accept you as a
client and become part of your personal health team. Remember any
intervention may have benefit and may not, again depending on many personal

It is most beneficial, if one accepts exercise as a part of management,
requiring follow-up and periodic modification in the program. A good
program will include: aerobic activity, stretching, weight resistance,
repetition of movement, proper breathing and relaxation techniques. Of
course, what may make all this work is fun in the process, and commitment
to incorporation into one's life style.

I am reminded that NPF will be issuing a booklet on exercise within the
next few months. It might be a good idea to wait for a copy, before
spending a lot of money on equipment.

If you would like to contact me please feel free to write me off line.