


First of all, nice to have you back. Your request reminds me of an
incident that occurred on the #parkinsons IRC channel. I was doing
research to discover new indicators of complications during pregnancy and
since I share my research interests with members of this list a young lady
was given my name when she wanted to know if there would be potential
risk associated with being pregnant while taking Sinemet.

One evening when I logged onto the Channel she was the only one there. So
we spent about 15 minutes discussing the problem and I made a few
recommendations. At that point a few more members joined the channel and
the young lady joyfully greeted them:

"Guess what? Bruce is going to help me find out if I can become pregnant!"

(Pregnant pause)


Needless to say, I had a lot of explaining to do.  ;-0)


Bruce G. Warr               "Experience is what enables us to recognize
Healthcare Informatics Lab   a mistake the next time we make it."
Information Systems Dept.
University of Maryland Baltimore County
(V) (410)455-3206
(F) (410)455-1073
