

hi john and welcome back

At 14:05 1998/12/12 -0500, you wrote:
>Please allow me to introduce myself.
>My name is John S. Lees, I am 55 years old and I have had
>Pd for five years. My first symptoms appeared to the best
>of my knowledge when I was 50 years old. I had  trouble with
>my left arm. I went to my family physician he checked me out
>said he believed I has Pd, but said I would have to see a
>Neuro to confirm his suspicions. Since then my life has been
>about the same as most of yours. I still hold down a job in
>a union shop and my employer knows I am sick ( It would be
>hard to hide it from him).

do you belong to a support group?
do you have a family/friend support network around you?
are your symptoms starting to interfere with your work?

our lives are all unique
and so are the ways we respond to the facts
of the original diagnosis and to the ongoing 'progress' of pd

>Since I recently discovered vitamin c
>I had some real problems my meds.

this sounds odd
can you give us more details
as to timing and quantities etc?

>Now for some reason I have this anger in me that
>I don't understand. I am not angry at any one or
>any thing I am just angry, mad, hostile. If anyone
>has a clue please drop me a line.

first of all,
you deserve points for reecognising what's going on!
that's half the battle right there!

dealing with a chronic disease
involves grieving the perceived loss
and the normal stages of grief
[denial, bargaining, anger, depression, acceptance]
have to be gone through sometime and somehow
before we can move on with living our lives

it sounds to me like some of your anger is [re-?] surfacing
maybe due to the 'real problems' with meds
that are now 'in your face'

i have sent an article to you privately
in re dealing with pd diagnosis
which i have posted to the list several times

i hope this helps

your cyber-sibling


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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