

Bob (Chapman) discussing pd and politics is not forbidden. It takes
political work to get what you want and need. Have you written your
representative and senators pro or con anything. it will take a lot of
money to develop treatments or anything approaching a cure for PD. If
you write and ask you might get it, if not, you surely will not anytime
soon. If you do not like the presidents policies (which could help you,
write that)  This started with his proposal to let people on Medicaid
work some, if they could. So Bob I think this is an appropriate forum.

Nancy and Delda we wrote on the list and that is OK.

Bruce, I also feel very sorry for Chelsea; it must be terrible. In fact
I ,like you, know it is.
However I disagree that impeachment would not be earth (well maybe
country ) shattering. It was not easy when President Nixon resigned.
This one is really political and thus sad. I don't know anyone who would
want to be president after the beating his family has taken. And he
surely is not dull. I simply like the presidents policies and wish he
had not behaved so badly. As I said in the first place, I cannot chage

So what I have to say is write and write. If you want more Federal money
try to get it as quickly as you can.  I want to assure all of you, that
all of the new posibilities will not help my husband, He is 80 and
things would have to move with the spead of light. So who am I writing
for? The young people on this list and possibly my children.  I am sure
that I could think of more to say, but  think my feeling and message are
clear. Nita