

Hi Robin--that's a real shame!  When they signed on for Medicare home care
they SHOULD have warned you about the "home bound" status that is required
by law. When Peter had a few weeks of home care paid by Medicare last year,
we were strictly cautioned about this, and told that it was OK to take him,
say, to our daughter's for a visit, but no eating out, movies, anything
"recreational"etc.  If they did not tell you about this limitation, I think
you have a legitimate complaint.  Perhaps talking with the nurse or social
worker assigned to her case can help.  Give it a try, and let us know what
you learn.

>I've read your list for over a year and have grown to think of you all as
>family.  I'm hoping someone can help me.  My Mom has had a cousin of
>Parkinson's (cbgd) for several years and has just moved to an assisted
>living facility. Her movement is several limited and she has been receiving
>occupation, speech and visiting nurse care provided by Medicare.
>Saturday, I took her out in the wheelchair to the mall to see the Christmas
>sites and enjoy the season.  This morning I was notified that the visiting
>nurse called Medicare and discontinued her services because I took her out.
>They are claiming it means she is no longer "home bound" and therefore not
>eligible.  Is anyone familiar with this?  Do they really expect that a
>person would never leave the house, especially during the holidays?  How can
>there be any quality to life?
>If anyone can help me or point me to where I can clarify this, I would
>really appreciate it.  She can not maintain without these services, but I
>don't want to keep her locked in either.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 80/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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                        Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! "