

        I've been off list for a couple of weeks (just when things started getting
going with Mr. Fox's announcement!). How do I get the list archive? (I'd like
to read the posts about the announcement). I'm wondering if the information
that I've heard on the news lately is correct: that young onset PD occurs only
about 5-10% of the time. I'd always thought that the incidence of young-onset
PD was higher.
        I'm hoping that Dad will soon be going on list. He got an early Christmas
present, a Gateway computer! Now he's just waiting for me to get there and set
it up for him, and also for my brother-in-law to show him how to use it (it's
iMacs forever for me!) I've been printing out the postings for him for a
while, so he'll be up-to-date on them. Now, he'll be able to respond directly
to the list.
I'll keep you posted (pun intended!)

Trish cg Jerry age 76/9 years diagnosed