

Dear one & all, for once : )), I have to agree with my little
cyberr-sister Wendy;
while there isn't a day that goes by without some quick prayer for a
cure and every day, my symptoms get just a little more pronounced, I
can't reemember what it was like to feel "normal"! I bounce around like
a crazed, out of control pinball, I drool on myself, & tylonal is my
best friend for the miriad of aches & pains that may or my not be PD
related. But when I look at my life:my husband so good  & caring, my
children, rambunktious & healthy and think of the wonderful support that
I have from my friends here & on the list (whom I would not know if it
weren't for PD, I surely see my glass as full. I wish you all peace &
happiness during the hustle & bustle of this beautiful holiday season
and may God Bless us-

Joan Snyder  (47/10/8) <[log in to unmask]>   Peoria,IL
"Do or do not. There is no try."  Yoda