

hi marling

At 16:53 1998/12/12 -0800, you wrote:
>Well, yesterday our local SSA office mailed me the form
>and letter saying my disability has been approved.  Wow.
>They only lost my forms once (I will appeal that because
>it cuts my back pay), and did not deny me at all on medical
>grounds.  I will begin to get benefits within 30 days. I
>hate not working, but at least I will have an income.

this is great news!
it's terrific to hear a good report
once in awhile [!] about the us ssdi program

i'm still waiting with baited breath to hear from the
ontario disability support program
[any minute now]

your cyber-sibling


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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