

Charlie and Bill and anyone else,

I just got a call from my son's doctor to say that after double checking his
medical history, she hsa decided to change to  Prozac - because it is
available in ilquid form, and Jed has a problem with acholasia (spelling?). So
we're back on familiar territory  , as I'v taken prozac on and off for years,
ever since it first came out on the market.


Hilary Blue


Charles T. Meyer, M.D. wrote:
> HI hillary-
> Zoloft is an excellent antidepressant.  In fact when I was in practice
> (psychiatry) it was without a doubt the antidepressant I prescribed most.  It
> was tolerated best (at least my patients appeared to have the least side effects
> causing them to discontinue the drug) and was at least as effective as other
> antidepressant I prescribed.  If he is depressed and responds to the medication
> it can make a significant difference in mood and with adolescents- behavior.  It
> will not start working for at least a week and often it takes as long as 3-4
> weeks or even longer to each maximum effectiveness.  It is a good drug when used
> for the correct indications. + no I don't have stock in the company.
> Contact me if you have any further questions.
> Charlie