

Hi all: no Bunny you aren't babbling but make some valid points. thank you for
the input and good luck with your health. I just had abiopsy taken off my neck
today and I have a huge stiched gash where I expected a small bandaid.
Doctor says 50/50 chance it is skin cancer.

At 01:24 AM 12/18/98 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/17/98 2:20:46 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>[log in to unmask] writes:
><< or stiff it is a painful hug. With diabetes you don't have to put up with
> sore muscles. >>
>   I am new to the list; this is my first day.  My husband has Parkinson's but
>I am the one who uses the computer, so I am the one on the list.  I read with
>interest the discussion of diabetes Vs Parkinson's.  They are, in my opinion,
>both something not to have.  I have diabetes so I do know where I am coming
>from.  The above message says that diabetics do not have sore muscles.  I
>definitely have sore muscles when my blood sugars are acting up.  I always
>have neuropathy in my hands and feet.  At times, my feet hurt so bad that I
>cannot wear shoes.  They hurt so bad at night, I need Tylenol with codeine to
>sleep.  There are many parts of each disease that are not known to everyone
>and to compare them or prioritize them really isn't fair.  My husband and I
>have both been through cancer and chemotherapy.  I have an extreme heart
>rhythm problem.  We know we don't want to have any of these but that we cannot
>rank which is better or worse.
>    Parkinson's is the disease I am now the most afraid of.  I have very
>little information, hence the signing up for the list.  We hope to gain some
>information.  We have beaten the cancer and are living with the present
>illnesses.  I think I am babbling.  Sorry
>Jeannie   WA