

THAT is where all the money goes.

>"But the dollar amounts attached to the various diseases do appear to be
>extremely unfair.  Thus, for research on diabetes, with a patient
>population estimated at 16 million, NIH spent $313 million in 1997, or
>$19.58 per patient.  For AIDS-related research, the comparable figures were
>775,000 patients, and $1.8  billion for research, or $2,403 per patient.
>For breast cancer, even with increased funding, 1.9 million patients and
>$409 million for research worked out to $209 per patient."

Assuming you agree that the $2,400/ patient (to go up in '99 by [from
memory] $150/ patient) NIH outlay of funds for AIDS research is unfair when
compared to PD's sub-$100/patient amount, then what as organized group,
should we do about it?  anything?
