

as lot of you know i have had PD for 30 years. i feel very sorry for the
young who have it. losing your jobs and all well i lost mine. but you got
to go when you get to be 74 our minds are not as sharp as yours with out
having PD. lot of stuff in wrote down for me  even how to get on the list.
making lot of changes makes it hard for us. there is others who my age. so
why do you want to make things for us. i try to help new be's the best i
can can't spell,type very fast if you don't like it as is. bye bye. i need
all the help i can get from the young as well as those my age.  i was
taught if it works don't fix it. CHARLES if i had your education and memory
i would be happy. i could wire house,fix tv, and you should see some of my
ideas to help the handicap VIVIAN  say's paten them no way . just want to
help. so you folks give some pity partys for the old coots. we are still
hear the day will come when you will say i whish i knew what dad does

                                      I.Y.Q.  DON AND VIVIAN