

I have to agree with my new friend, Bern from Austria when he said:

>One of the problems is the fact that many
>people send the original message with the reply... this can be eliminated

When replying to messages sent by others, it is only necessary to <snip>
out the portion that you want to respond to.  This is simply done by
"copying" the section you want to respong to and "pasting" it into a new
email and then responding to it.

On a Macintosh you simply place your mouse's cursor over the section you
want to copy and hold down on the mouse and drag it over the text (which
will turn dark) go to the menue to "edit" and select "copy" (or hit
the apple key and the c key) then go to your new email and click your mouse
in the body section of the email and then go back to the menue to "edit"
and select the "paste" (or use your apple key and the v key) and it will
paste what you copied into the new email.  Now just adjust it where you
want it and respond to it.  Not sure about PC's but I am sure they are very

This would indeed eliminate MUCH of unecessary text we are now getting.......

BTW.... my Victorian Christmas Gifs are still available for you to use on
your personal webpages if you like...

If you like Antique Santa Post Cards from the turn of the century, I am
sharing my personal collection at:

I have also written a history of the evolution of St. Nicholas to the
present day Santa that you might enjoy reading at:

Happiest of Holidays to everyone!!

Juelie McLean  CG/Dan 50/dx'98