

From: Mary Jones <[log in to unmask]>
I have a patient experiencing quite severe episodes of back pain.
Can any one in the group give me some ideas to help this man ?

Mary, My back pain has been as vexing and as debilitating as my particular
brand of atypical PD (my condition is deteriorating much faster than
"normal.")  I have had it full-time since April and I have thought it was
kind of self-induced by my poor PD posture, which I had allowed myself to
slip into.  All the doctors I have seen for it (neuros, neurosurgeons,
physiatrsts and pain management center anesthesiologists) all say they
agree - or can't think of any other reasons.   I have:
-had steroid shots in my spine,
-had an MRI & a consult re surgery - none indicated,
- had 7 weeks of physical therapy,
- had 4 sessions of acupuncture,
- had  a consult with another surgeon re an implantable electronic pain
zapper - costs $12,000 with a 50% chance of success, in my case, because the
pain doesn't go down my leg(s).
- have taken ungodly amounts of narcotic (I know, I know) & non-narcotic
painkillers - none of which ever does rid me of pain.,
A - THE LATEST - an external a electronic  pain zapper - a "muscle

The jury is still out on this . It just may be helping..  Check with me next
week if you are interested
As you can see, it ain't easy. I hope you do better with your patient!

I DO like Kathleen (SP? sorry) Holden suggestion re hydration.   I have
already put it to practice thanks!!

B. Bruce Anderson (52, 4)
Schooley's Mtn., NJ
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