

Thank you for sharing that wonderful poem by Betty Werth. I have printed it
out and placed it in my special poems folder. I love poetry and the older I
get the more I wonder that I did not start to write untill I was hit by
Parkinson's. In appreciation I am placing my Christmas Carol for the list to
read. Who knows it might find a place in some one elses special folder.

Christmas carol.
What star is that, so shining bright,
Lighting up this blessed night.
Shepherds watchful, without sleep,
Keeping guard on restless sheep.
A guiding omen, Heavens sign,
Pointing to that Child Divine.
Earthly Kings are on their way,
To greet the newborn on this day.
Costly presents, Gifts of love,
For that Baby from above.
Signal of Mankinds greatest need.
Gods own Son for us to lead.
Mary's Child in poverty born,
Riches in this life to scorn,
Come to lead us to the light,
On that wondrous, Heavenly Night.
                            Bernard Shaw.
I hope that you like it .God Bless you all Bern from Austria.