

>I must have missed out someplace. What is the U step and how does it
>help. Thank you, Nita Andres

Dear List members:

Since someone asked, I am re sending this to the List.

I wrote it following a discussion on falls.

Since falls are one of the main reasons for nursing home placement - and
obviously prevention is so important for quality of life, this is a big
issue. Certainly for Bob, they are an issue and whilst he has suffered no
major damage, I watch with increasing "horror" as he often catapults close
to disaster--backwards off a chair, forwards carrying something heavy....

Last year I heard about a USA product called the U-Step Walking Stabilizer
- which was made especially for people who have balance and falling
problems. I did a bit of research (it was written up in the Parkinson's
Update Magazine) and (thanks to a visiting neurologist) managed to bring
one into Perth, Australia to "show" at the Fourth Australian
Multidisciplinary Conference on Parkinson's Disease,  Sept 1997.

It received enthusiastic support from the health professionals and after
much soul searching, Bob and I  imported  a few of these to sell in

We would genuinely like to help people who need a state of the art walker
which will give them back their freedom.

As I mentioned before, WE ARE NO LONGER SELLING THEM. The new agent is
listed below.

 List members in the USA can contact the manufacturer in the USA at In-Step
Mobility Products at Skokie Ilinois (800) 558 7837.

Following is a review which I wrote for our local and national Newsletters.


The U-STEP WALKING STABILISER, which was shown for the first time in
Australia at the 1997 Fourth Australian Multi-Disciplinary Conference on
Parkinson's Disease, is now available for purchase in Perth.

The U-Step Walker is ideally suited for people with Parkinson's (PWP),
stroke, head trauma, multiple sclerosis, cerebellar ataxia, muscular
dystrophy, Charcot-Marie Tooth, ALS and balance disorders.

The U-Step is proving to be very popular for use by individuals in their
own homes and for people in rehabilitation.

The U-Step's unique features include five swivel wheels attached to a
U-shaped base.  The centre front wheel has a spring mechanism that acts as
a shock absorber, allowing patients to walk uninterrupted across door
thresholds, pavement cracks and other uneven surfaces.  Users conserve
their energy (and balance) by not having to pick up the U-Step. Its fluid
motion enables easy walking on carpets and outdoors (but not grass).

Since the U-Step's unique U-shaped base (56 cm/22 inches wide) keeps it
from tipping forward or backward, the system helps prevent falls. Users
report increased confidence, safety, improvement in walking endurance and
gait initiation.

The Parkinson's Disease Update  newsletter (Issue 74, 1997) reported
favourably on the U-Step and quoted Susan Reece of the APDA who described
the walker as "particularly good for those who fall backwards or have
forward speed-up (festination) problems, or turning problems."

Amongst its other features, the U-Step has a specially positioned middle
wheel that turns in a small arc, so people can make a 360-degree turn in
confined spaces.  A control adjustment at the hand grip provides adjustable
wheel speed, to match and maintain an individual's walking pace and gait
pattern.  A single bicycle style grip (adjustable to either side) with
cable slows or brakes the walker.  The walker comes with a sturdy padded
seat that does not restrict the ambulation area and has a carry basket

Secured, it can be used as a seat; it can be useful for episodes of
"freezing" allowing the PWP to either sit and wait out the freeze, or if a
carer is in attendance, to actually sit and be wheeled if necessary.

The walker weighs 9.7 kg (with seat and basket), folds flat and in half for
easy carrying in the back seat or boot of a car.  It can be adjusted for
adults of varying height.  Childrens sizes are available by special order.

It is recommended (but not essential) that those interested should be
assessed for suitability by an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist.

A sample U-Step can be seen (by appointment) at the Daily Living Products
at 17 Lemnos St, Shenton Park, Perth WA 6008 Australia.  For details, phone
(08)  9388  4435 , Fax (08) 9388 7735