

Keep in there Don, You are quite clear to me and to show my appreciation for
your liking Poetry here is one that you can have a smile at. Bern from
Austria.  God Bless and enjoy.

Bath Time.

I took my yearly bath today,
Lots of dirt got soaked away.
Why I bother, I sure don't know,
But I bathed myself from head to toe.
I used a bar of scented soap,
To smell a bit sweeter, what a hope.
When I tried to wash my hair ,
My brush and comb stood up to stare.
My nails are in a terrible state,
Should I cut them, should I wait.
And what about my dirty ears,
I haven't washed them in thirty years.
My teeth like stars come out at night,
If I clean them,They'll get a fright.
The talcum powder on the shelf,
Said, " Touch me not, I'll kill myself."
You know you really shouldn't laugh,
It's very courageous to take a bath.
And the feeling I've got is akin to fear,
 For I will have to bath again next year.
                                 Bernard Shaw.