

Dear List members

Ivan wrote:
>    I am finally recovering from DISASTER at Dr. Colette's office, the
>Medicaid-paid oral surgeon,  whom I had never met before he butchered me
>on Wednesday.

I was very sorry to hear of Ivan's experience.  It reminded me to tell the
List that our West Australian Parkinson's Association has just recently
appointed a dentist to our list of honorary advisors to whom we go for
advice, help and encouragment, etc.

 With Ivan's permission I will pass on his story to our advisor.

On another aspect of dental surgery, a PWP friend recently told me that he
was having surgery to remove two wisdom teeth.  He had not enquired if he
was having a general anaesthetic, neither had he pre-warned the dentist
that he was on Deprenyl and of the warning about not mixing opiates
(Pethidine/Demerol) with Deprenyl.

I was able to thrust the "Drugs to Be Used With Caution with People with
Parkinson's Disease" into his hand and he went off to phone the dentist.

Am I right in thinking that any general anaesthetic - even so called
"light" anaesthetics can pose hazards for PWP especially if the
anaesthetist does not know what drugs a PWP is on.

Can someone please tell me how should a PWP prepare for a general anaesthesia?

I would be intereted to hear any other "dental" stories horror or
otherwise, so I can pass them on to our new advisor.


Joy Graham