

        Thanks for taking the time to answer my letter. No I don't belong
to a support group. I have planed to go to meetings, once I almost made it
out the door. I guise I am afraid to see what the future holds for me.
        My wife Shannon is my best support.  I know I don't make life easy
for her especially since  she has her own problems (MS).  We seem to manage
for now. Shannon also has a much caring family that helps out.
        On the vitamin c, shannon thinks I mite have made it seem like my
med problems started after I started taking vitamin c. If I did I am sorry.
 I was having problems before I started the vitamins. In fact I believe
right now some of Gods greatest gifts to PWP is the internet and vitamin c.
Of corse  there is also loving family, good friends and knowledgable and
caring docs when you can find one.
        The reason I am so high on vitamin c is that before I started
taking them it would take almost an hour for my morning meds to kick in,
now it is more like 20 minutes. Before  I started taking the vitamins  I
had  asked my doc to increase my dosage by one pill (from 3 to 4 )  because
the meds were taking so long to kick in.  After I started taking the fourth
pill my body would get so rigid it was unbearable, It seemed like my
muscles would be getting tighter. I would get as stiff as a board. Some
times this would happen while I was driving (bad news). So I cut back to 3
pills again.
        Then I read about dissolving pills in Coke (the soda pop) and this
helped speed things up allot. Shortly after that I read about Vitamin Cs
and how they passed from the blood into the brain and how this was helpful
for taking meds that had to reach the brain. Maybe it is just my
imagination but it seems the meds not only kick in faster but I also  get
maximum effects out of them. I don't know it just seems like it.
        As far as the pd effecting my job, some times it does, but I have
over 30 experience on the job and I know how to compensate for my short
comings when it happens.
        I think the hardest part is when I see others my age living the
life that I had envisioned for myself and when I think of the plans I had
for my, "GOLDEN YEARS",
        Again I thank you for your concern and I hope to hear from you in
the future.
Your new friend
John 55/5