

Ciao dear listmembers!

After sending my message on 17 November and the answer by Debbie White, I've
searched on Pubmed some more information about use of Growth Hormone in PD

I didn't find anything; but there were 3 research rather interesting, whose
2  at Parma University, in Italy.

I've sent an e-mail to the research leader, Prof. Riccardo Volpi, with 3

1. Is GH (at very low doses) helpful for PD patients, having IGF-1 level
lower than normal?
2. Do you know if and where this therapy is tried?
3. Is GH safe? What are the risks?

This is a summary of the answer by Prof. Volpi.

"In Parkinson's disease, after stimulation with specific factor (GH-RH), the
production of Growth Hormone (GH) is normal, but some systems of stimulation
of GH-RH seem to be not fully efficient. A research of ours about it is
going now.
A low production of GH because of a lower effectiveness of stimulation
systems might cause symptoms, such us drowsiness, easiness to fatigue, low
level of glicemy.
Any year ago, the use of GH or of GH-RH was proposal in anti aging therapy
with great effectiveness.
The results were published on prestigious "New England Journal of Medicine"
Today there are specific clinical trials for osteoporosis and
Not all patients may use this therapy, because side effects could be
dangerous (for ex. diabetes
mellito- I don't know the meaning of the last word)."

I hoped to have better news!

Some interesting news about GH are in the message sent by Christine Anderson
from New Zealand too.
In fact, IGF-I is the most common marker of the GH level in the blood.
I dislike that Prof. Gluckman's clinical trials with IGF-I concern only MS
and not PD too!

Here, I add what  Dr. Marko B. Lens (an American doctor, working in Milan,
Italy) wrote in a book about GH, published in last February:

"Scientists of  Auckland University have discovered that IGF-I can stop the
neuronal death. With other words, it can block apoptosis, the death of
neuron programmed by the biological internal clock. This happen during the
aging, or in diseases, as stroke, AD, PD and MS."

Ciao and a merry Christmas to you and your families!

Massimo Paolini
Roma, Italia
cg of mother Anna 70/64/62.