

I don't want to cause any more trouble but it seems to me that
alienating and confusing people should be our very least intention. Don,
I for one, think that your every post is valuable & worthwhile. You &
Ivan & Kees are an inspiration to us all! Ivan, I wish you could come to
me house to spend the holidays-the door is always open, buddy-if you
ever make it to the Midwest!Kees-your story about having to go to the
bathroom when you're "off" was just about priceless-when I think about
all of the expended energy I waste for modesty's sake...when what I
would really like to do is walk around in my underwear!!! Might scare
the kids! These are exactly the kinds of stories that I take from the
list and savor & pull out when I find myself in that situation.These are
the stories that get me through my days. I'm having a hard time dealing
with the polarization of the list & I'm not looking forward to being
brought to task in front of the whole class for not posting like I ought
to. Could we find it our hearts to give it a rest?~for the holidays, at
least? God Bless Us Everyone!          IYQ   Joan   (47-8)