

IMOHO, getting Don this upset is not the purpose of this
listserve.  Anytime anyone feels the Net Police are going
to get them for a post , something is terribly wrong.

Our SEFLIN (Southeast Florida Library Information Network)
Freenet has a really good feature which maybe, just maybe, we should
try to emulate.  When you hit the reply button it asks if you
want to include original message in reply?  Y/N.
Then it asks you if you want to reply to all recipients?  Y/N
The original message being repeated as many as 5 times
 a digest is what really racks up the size of the posts,
not the personal things people say to each other.

If  they found a cure tomorrow, my PD has progressed to the
point of no return, as has most of us who have had it for such
a long time.  I don't have the time,nor the strength, to go to a
support group.  This net is my support group, just as it is for
many of us.  For many various reasons.

I'm proud to be a part of a group, some who take the time
to post serious information like Judith, Janet and Joe Bruman,
and many, many others.  For this I thank you.
However,as a librarian I read everything new on PD which comes
down the pike, but guess what, it hasn't helped my PD one

 What has helped is the humor, concern and experiences
of my fellow Parkies. I look forward to coming home at night
and reading my digests, it wipes away some, not all, of the
fatigue of the day, but it sure makes me happier.
I 'm just as proud to be a part of a group who has some of the
funniest people I have ever read in my life!!!!!!
This listserve should have room enough and something
for one and all.  Just  CHOOSE what you desire to read .

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
with PD  66/10
Remember I'm on digest !!!!