

Marjorie Moorefield wrote:

>If  they found a cure tomorrow, my PD has progressed to the
point of no return, as has most of us who have had it for such
a long time.
>However,as a librarian I read everything new on PD which comes
down the pike, but guess what, it hasn't helped my PD one
iota.  ... What has helped is the humor, concern and experiences
of my fellow Parkies. I look forward to coming home at night
and reading my digests, it wipes away some, not all, of the
fatigue of the day, but it sure makes me happier.
I 'm just as proud to be a part of a group who has some of the
funniest people I have ever read in my life!!!!!!
This listserve should have room enough and something
for one and all.  Just  CHOOSE what you desire to read .

I appreciate Marjorie's perspective--and it is one shared by Peter, who at
nearly 81 doesn't expect any dramatic personal help from research,
important though it is for younger PWPs.  If we are really a "family", as
we often proclaim, let's look at our disagreements as a little "family
therapy session", where we air our discontents and try to find ways to live
together more peacefully--I do believe some of the stresses of the holidays
may have rubbed off on us here!  :-)  I close with a new signature of mine,
the quotation"stolen" from a church I once attended, and Happy Holiday
wishes to everyone---

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
<[log in to unmask]>

                          ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***
                        We agree to differ...
                                we resolve to love...
                                                   we  unite to serve.
                          ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***