

There are no list police for this list.  If any member receives a message
which attempts to monitor his/her postings, please forward it to me.

The change in procedure was merely meant to give one the option of
replying to the list or the poster of the message, with the poster of the
message as the first choice.  Honest's not a big deal!!  Nobody
is being targetted.  No topic is taboo unless it is offensive to an
individual or a group.

That's why politics is not a welcome topic, especially international
politics since we have members in more than 35 countries.  People with
Parkinson's are people with Parkinson's no matter where they live and
should have access to information by and about other pwp's without fear of
censure because of their nationality.  That's the great thing about the
internet.  Where else can we talk on equal footing with folks from all
over the media bias...nothing to divide us.

One of my concerns about the new method is the loss of 'follow-up'.  If
members reply to the individual, others with the same questions aren't
able to read the responses...we'll need to keep an eye out for that.
Let's give this change a trial run...we can evaluate it after a week or so.

So...I wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season.

Merry Christmas


Barbara Patterson                               [log in to unmask]
HSC 2J22                                        905-525-9140, ext. 22403
                        School of Nursing