


Most of us Parkies were brought up to respect and revere those in the
medical profession - whether they were competent or not.

Since I've had PD (just over 24 years) one of the MOST important
things I've learned is that often the persons with Parkinson's know
MORE about the disease than their doctors!  (Even more than the
AVERAGE neurologist!).

This is because we LIVE in the body that is causing us all the
problems so are able to interpret what that body is feeling at any
given moment.  ALSO,  as a group we have a tendency to want to LEARN
all about the disease so we study it in all it's nuances.

Then we tend to compare what WE feel and see in our respective bodies
with what the collective GROUP is seeing and/or feeling.   And THEN
we begin to draw our conclusions about Parkinson's.

So, my friend, I suggest you QUESTION all treating physicians that
handle your case AND your life, and also question US right here.
Then, you can put two and two together, and hopefully the answers
will total (figuratively) four.  Even then, KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!

Best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy holiday season,
and a good (read THAT as "healthy") New Year.

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Luis Altuve M. <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, December 23, 1998 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: deja vu all over again / for stacey et al / part 1 of 2

Hello Janet,

On 23 Dec 98, at 8:13, janet paterson wrote:
> i put this one together for stacey
> and was going to send it to her privately as well
> but then i thought,
> "nope; this one's for sharing"
Thank you very much for sending it to the list.
I am new to the list less than a month.
Until today I kept blaming myself for all those negative convuleted
thoughts, as a matter of fact, this year I spent 3 months in the
Lakeshore Hospital Psyquiatric ward. I knew that I did not belonged
there, I had tougher times why now?. Now, I know Why.
They put on Risperdale. It does not work with PD
They tried Olanzapine. It did not work.
Clozapine (Clozarin)works better for people with PD.

And Guess What? My very first day that I joined the list I found that
Clozapine works best for People with PD. I was kind of upset with
myself, what if I joined the list a year ago, and what if I, and many
what if I.... After the scare with Tasmar, I start looking for a list
and I found this one and I joined right away. I really am happy with
my new family.

Finally, The Psyquiatric Doctor told me that I have to take Clozapine
for many years to come, so I looked for a second opinion.
Luckly, I found psyquiatric Doctor who deals with pwp at The Montreal
Neurogical Institute, and the Dr sent some suggestion to my Psyq. Dr.
I am off Clozapine.

> recognising cd is the hardest aspect i think
> probably followed by accepting it
> and deciding to deal with it
> it's as common as the common cold
> but more so in parkies

Thank you cyber-sis

Happy Holidays to all.

Jose Altuve pwp/45/40/34/Montreal Canada