

6 years ago i had trouble in going to the toilet. so i was sent to a Nero
that did that work. i was the first one in LIMA to be opp. on he said 3 to
10 days i would be home well it was 3 opp. and 51/2 months later i got
home. first PD to have it. they ran a book on when i would get home or even
live. most was in icq. so to this day when i got to go it is now. some
times even #2 VIVIAN got to strip the bed me got to take a shower. at once
a week in my pants so other shower change of choles. it running jke any
more.  it happened in church haven't been back yet. every says DON come
back it not any thing you can do about it. they say it but hard to belive
them. one reason i never leave my house. i am learning to live with it so
with sugar,my heart and PD. i sure am busy fighting. so don,t feel bad
VIVIAN put some kind of cloth around the 2 stools i use. and was then every
couple of days. to make me feel good. as i said we all are lot same. so
look in to it  lots of  good luck.

                                           I.Y.Q.  DON  AND  VIVIAN
                                            LOVE OF MY LIFE-52

                                              BEST MED FOR PD IS
                                             FAITH IN YOUR SELF AND GOD