

Hi, again

I was wondering how to deal with a family member who has parkinson's and is
being totally obstinant!!!

My mother just came out of the hospital earlier this month after spending a
little more than a month there because her Parkinson's symptoms had gotten
worse. While there she went from being totally rigid to hallucinating and
confused while the Docs played with her meds.

She had noticible dyskensia in her left shoulder towards the last couple of
weeks in the hospital. shortly after she came home I noticed the dyskensia
spread to her right ankle ( twisting in ). It seems to be causing her now
to walk without bending her knee ( stiff legged). She seems to be now
hiking her right hip up to take a step and when she comes to a stop I
notice she seems to leave her right leg behind and put all her weight on
her left leg. The last couple of days she seems to be ( taking little
hopping steps? ) with her *good* leg.

I can see that her walking is getting worse by degrees every day. The
problem is my mother just gets angry and tells me to "BUTT OUT" whenever I
suggest contacting the Doctor!!! She's terrified she's going to end up back
in the hospital again and she has told me that she is NOT going back
period!!! What concerns me too is that if she gets really bad and can't
walk or falls and hurts herself and I call an ambulance that she can tell
the attendants that she doesn't want to go to the hospital and they won't
take her as they can get sued for *kidnapping* believe it or not ( here in
BC, Canada ).

Can anyone tell me how to get her to listen to reason? I want to call the
Motion Disorder Clinic Doctor and let him know, but will he be able to do
anything?? Will he want to see my mother? We were just there a few weeks
ago before she got worse. I had to go with her and we had to pay 125.00
Can. to get there and back with Williamson's patient Transfer Service as I
am in a wheelchair. Mom is currently on sinemet and artane and a new drug
Mirapex. The Docs are currently reducing the sinemet and increasing the
Mirapex and hope to take mom off artane eventually.

The other problem too is that the last time we saw our Family Doc ( a
couple of weeks ago )and she asked my mother to walk ( in the tiny
examining room ) and mom deliberately improves her walking about 50%. She
does this every time and the Doctors don't think she's that bad!!! But as
soon as she gets out of the Doctor's office she goes right back to walking
poorly!!! How can the Docs treat my mom if she deliberately *hides* her

Can too much sinemet cause dyskensia?
Can too little sinemet cause dyskensia?

Thanks for listening to me prattle!

Bye for now


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Take care

Bye for now


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