

Hi Rayna,
You might be interested in my experience with PD. Three years ago I
developed a slight tremor in left leg. Then one  year later tremor
started in left arm. At that point I went to a doctor. Now it has been
three years and I am not yet taking any of the traditional PD drugs.
Some doctors and some paitents, like me, think a person should hold off
in taking the drugs, since they do not work forever and it is better to
hold off untill they are really needed. I do take an over-the-counted
drug, Benadryl, which gives me a very slight amount of relief and helps
me sleep better.
If you will stay on this list, and maybe search the arcives, you will
learn much. Find out about the long term consequences of the drugs, and
don't be in too big a hurry to start them. I am a 63 year old male.
My regular neurologist and also my movement disorder specialst both are
in agreement with my plan.
It is true that on some days, like today, the tremor is making it
difficult to type.

Lanier Maddux   63/2
Chattanooga Tenn
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