

This arrived from Barbara Yacos a short time ago. While
we experience the joy of a New Year, let us remember
those who have past, and let us learn from this just
how very precious our loved ones are.

Please write a note to her. She's one of us, a PWP, who
now must face life without her husband. If you didn't
know, he just retired a couple months ago. During a
routine medical it was discovered that he had cancer,
too far gone to operate. He died at home.

Jim died yesterday at 8:30 a.m. He never had any pain -
hospice nurses working at the hospital saw to that. We
were all there
when he took his last breath just as Ian began a prayer
at his bedside. It was snowing outside and the sun
shone through the
clouds. If there can ever be a perfect time to die this
was it.

I am sad. I feel lost and sometimes just keep looking
around for him or wondering where he is in t he house.
Good and bad we
were long time partners and I miss him.

[log in to unmask] (Barbara A Yacos)
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