

The Leeza show w/list member Barb Mallut was terrific exposure for
Parkinson's disease, particularly the younger onset group who are proving
we number quite a few and we come from all races, sexes, and we push
on...regardless of the dx of Parkinson's.

Wish Dr. Cheryl Waters could have had more air time to explain the newer
research being conducted ie: neural cell regeneration.  Guess that's too
experimental to be mentioned on a national talk show?!?  I did think her
explanation re:looking at the total long range treatment of the disease
over the lifetime of the patient was significant.  If our lifespans are not
much shorter than average non-pd persons, management of the disease for the
longterm is certainly a necessity.

Thanks to Barb Mallut and to the two couples who sat in the "hot" seat and
talked about how Parkinson's effects them/their spouses.  Your openness was
refreshing and hit close to home in this pwp of nearly 14 months.