

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      deg. F   :-)
  Can you believe it, Barb, I missed the Leeza show today!   I was busy
on the internet, which I am just starting to try out, lost in the miracle
of watching maps spin off my printer.  I am trying out one of those 100
free hours discs that comes in the mail.

  All of a sudden, I looked up, and OH NO! it was 3:43-  Rosie was on,
and Leeza was gone!  As you would say, SHEESH!

   Barb, if you or ANYONE taped the show, may I PUH-LEEZ (please) request
a copy?  From the comments on the List, I am sure that your efforts have
made a HUGE differrence to all of us.

Thank you for your wonderful achievement!


P.S.  A brief note for our List-founder,  Barb Patterson:  Here is a time
when automatic posts to the List might amplify and enliven our
cross-talk, and help us to develop a broader, more talkative community!
Those on the List who do not wish to see it clogged could decide if their
own posts are to be restricted to one individul receiver. Some of us,
like me, are so isolated. Many of us are mute, as you know, so here is a
situation in whichthe old format would be more those among
us battling loneliness and depression.