

Everyone did great on the show. Good work!
If I had had my druthers, I would have made the PD part somewhat
Medicines were mentioned, but not enough.
The apparent rules for the Leeza show are that everyone should be, and
look, upbeat.
That resulted in Barbara looking like a million dollars. Simply
great!! No bad lighting, no raspy voice that she expected herself.
Lively ( we all know from her writing that she is! ), with glistening
eyes and straight posture. She really didn't look like what many
Parkies normally look like. Maybe she really is like that! I don't
know, as I never met her. Anyway, she surprised me!

I taped it and intend to make it available in our support group, for
those that missed it.
Good thing I did! Not expecting to sit through a half hour of
discussion about another malady, I needed to go to the bathroom and
would have missed the beginning of the PD segment!


Will A. Kuipers    Dallas, TX        78/71/71
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