

Of course, you're absolutely correct about Joseph Enterprises Site
being a serious Chia Pet sales tool.  However, I poked around there
AFTER I saw the Chia Pet Zoo site and I was still in my
"hysterical-laughter-mode" from my visit there.

Actually, it was kinda hard taking the Joseph site seriously because
the whole concept of the Chia Pet is funny to me.   Each holiday
season, when they trot out the newest Chia Pets in TV ads, I
generally get a good laugh outta 'em, partly because they ARE so

Lunch time....


Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: janet paterson <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, January 02, 1999 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: chia pets / bean sprouts / sprout sites

>hi barb
>At 23:26 1999/01/02 -0800, you wrote, in part:
>>Janet et al.....
>just who is Al, anyway?
>>For those who may have missed Janet's post listing the
>>two TOTALLY and outrageously tongue-in-cheek URLS, both follow:
>>An Interactive Guide to the Chia Pet Zoo
>>Joseph Enterprises Interactive
>barb, i beg to differ with you!
>the Joseph Enterprises site is most assuredly NOT tongue-in-cheek:
>they are the true-blue originators and manufacturers of
>[registered trademark]
>and other innovative products
>[and no, i have no financial interest in them]
>personally, i found it invigorating and energising to visit a
>which is so blatantly, honestly, in-your-face commercial:
>'here is our product: if you want it, send money'
>whew! what a breath of fresh air! hey! my symptoms are gone!
>laughter really is the best medicine!
>janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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